
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Day 1:
Monday 4/14/25

  • 12:00 -  1:00PM
    Participant Check-In

  • 1:00 -  3:00PM
    Welcome and General Session:

    1) Corpus Christi Welcome
    2) TxDOT Project Development
    3) TxDOT Project Delivery and Safety
    4) Bridge Division Welcome
    5) Design Division Welcome

  • 3:00 -  3:30PM

  • 3:30 -  5:00PM
    BRG Breakout Session 1: Bridge Project Spotlight - Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge    
    Project Overview    
    2) Design Highlights    
    3) Construction Highlights

    DES Breakout Session 1: Digital Plan Development  
    1) Mobile Mapping    
    2) Digital Delivery Update

    DES Breakout Session 2:  Safety in Design Part I
    1) Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) - (PDS - RAID)
    2) Access Control:
    2.1) Safety and Operations,  
    2.2) What, Where and When to show COA lines,
    2.3) Management Best Practices

  • 5:00 -  7:00PM
    Welcome Reception (Light Snacks and Cash Bar)

Day 2:
Tuesday 4/15/25

  • 7:30 -  8:30AM

  • 8:30 -  10:00AM
    BRG Breakout Session 1: Geotech    
    Slope Stability For New Construction, Phased Construction, and Rehabilitation
    2) LRFD For Foundation Design
    3) Creating Useful Scour Documentation

    BRG  Breakout Session 2: Informed Bridge Management  
    1) Data Driven Asset Management Decisions    
    2) District Success via BMIP

    DES  Breakout Session 1 - Safety in Design Part II    
    1) Every Project is a Safety Project    
    2) Safer by Design    
    3) Digital Delivery Item of focus on Safety

  • 10:00 -  10:30AM

  • 10:30  - 12:00PM
    BRG  Breakout Session 1: Bridge Construction & Maintenance    
    Bridge Deck Construction In Texas
    2) Specification Requirements for Preserving Steel Bridges    
    3) District Bridge Crews - Panel Discussion with Maintenance Supervisors

    BRG  Breakout Session 2: Bridge Design          
    Precast Alternates - Using the  new standards, providing alternate designs in the plan set, and using the  wide flange girders
    Design of Long Span bridges using spliced girder    
    3) Design of Long Span briges using steel

    DES  Breakout Session: H&H Part I Community of Practice

  • 12:00 -  1:30PM

  • 1:30  - 3:00PM
    BRG  Breakout Session 1: Bridge Inspection    
    Life after NBI Updates and SNBI Implementation    
    2) Observations and Trends in SNBI Items and Codings    
    3) District Bridge Inspection Practices (Panel Discussion)

    BRG  Breakout Session 2: Bridge Design    
    Research Update - Precast Columns, Nextgen Bridge Decks    
    2) Lubbock ABC Project Spotlight - Rural Site    
    3) Lubbock ABC project Spotlight - Urban site

    DES  Breakout Session: Delivering Projects for Letting Part I    
    Letting Low Risk Projects - When to use a Construction Management Plan  (CMP) SOP    
    2) Project Readiness - Strategic Projects, FPP, Rack and Stack Committee,  District

  • 3:00 -  3:30PM

  • 3:30 - 5:00PM
    BRG Breakout Session: Bridges Owned by Local Governments
    1) Tracking and Reporting Bridges Owned by a Local Government
    2) Off-System Bridge Maintenance
    3) Agreements with Local Governments

    DES Breakout Session 1: FHWA Delegation  
    Delegation/FHWA topics - (District, PDS and FHWA).   Major/Other Projects, IAJRs, Design Exceptions.

    DES Breakout Session 2: Delivering Projects for Letting Part II
    Plan Quality Items - Joint session with DDS, FPP, District, BRG

Day 3:
Wednesday 4/16/25

  • 7:30AM

  • 8:30 -  10:00AM
    BRG  Breakout Session 1: Programmatic Approach to Bridge Preservation    
    Preserving Signature Bridges in Texas   
    2) Texas' Truss Inventory    
    3) Panel Discussion on District Bridge Preservation Priorities

    DES  Breakout Session 1 - H&H Part II Streams and Structures
    Fluvial Geomorphology    
    2) H&H and Bridges - PBLR, Scour, bridge deck drainage.  (BRG, DES, District)

    DES  Breakout Session 2 - Using Category 10 Funding
    ADA Design Best practice - DDS-LDA, District    
    2) ADA and Green Ribbon Funding

  • 10:00 -  10:30AM

  • 10:30 -  12:00PM
    General Session:
    Digital Delivery: Bridge and Roadway

For questions please contact